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###################################################### 采购编号:TH####-GZBW-GJ## #.采购条件 ### (以下简称“项目单位”),项目资金来自企业自有资金,出资比例为###%,资金来源已落实, ### , ### 为采购代理机构。项目已具备采购条件, ### 公开竞争性谈判采购。 本项目积极响应《 ### ### 动的指导意见》,倡导潜在应答人用先进标准引领服务质量提升,有效治理质量突出问题,推动形成优质优价的采购机制。(国外供应商不适用) #.项目概况与采购范围 ### 附件。(应列明合同包个数、采购范围、实施地点等内容) #.应答人资格要求 #.#应答人须满足如下通用资格要求: (#)本次采购要求应答人须为中华人民共和国境内依法注册的法人或其他组织, ### 应答项目的资格条件;并在人员、设备、资金等方面具有保障如期完成采购项目的能力; ### 在地登记证明材料(复印件盖章),应答人无印章的, ### 在地登记证明材料。 (#)法定代表人或单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一标包应答或者未划分标包的同一采购项目应答。 (#)取得国家法律、法规、规章规定的有效许可证。取得采购文件要求的国家强制认证证书。(国外供应商不适用) (#)应有良好的财务状况和商业信用。 (#)根据《 ### 供应商关系管理办法》的规定,应答人存在 ### ### 理有效期内的,应答人在首次应答截止之日至成交通知书到达之日前,任一日在《 ### ### 理情况的通报》 ### 理结果。或应答人存在触发《 ### 供应商关系管理办法》第六十三条安全及质量重大问题“熔断机制”情形的,其应答将被否决。即使应答人在应答截止日尚不存在上述情况,但在成交通知书到达之日前,出现上述情况的,采购人亦有权取消其成交资格。(国外供应商不适用) (#) ### 、国家发展改革委、 ### ### 门联合印发的《 ### 人实施联合惩戒的通知》(法〔####〕###号), ### ### 人。 ### 为,不得被“信用中国”网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn)列入严重失信主体名单。 ### 人或严重失信主体名单的情形,但在成交通知书到达之日前,存在上述情形的,采购人有权取消其成交资格。(国外供应商不适用) (#) ### 监督管理机关在国家企业信用信息公示系统中列入严重违法失信企业名单或列入经营异常名录信息。应答人需同时在商务文件中提供在国家企业信用信息公示系统(www.gsxt.gov.cn)查询的,包含“营业执照信息”、“列入严重违法失信企业名单(黑名单)”、“列入经营异常名录信息”、“ ### 罚信息”、“清算信息”的查询结果,如应答人未提供企业信用信息公示报告,或提供的报告不符合采购文件规定的格式与内容, ### 认定有异议的,应答人的“列入经营异常名录信息”和“列入严重违法失信企业名单(黑名单)信息” ### 在国家企业信用信息公示系统(www.gsxt.gov.cn)查询的结果为准。应答人未提供或提供的企业信用信息公示报告不符合采购文件规定的格式与内容的, ### 不利评价。应答人提供虚假企业信用信息公示报告的, ### 否决,并根据《 ### 供应商关系管理办法》 ### 理。 ### 监督管理机关列入经营异常名录或严重违法失信企业名单的情形,但在成交通知书到达之日前,存在上述情形的,采购人有权取消其成交资格。(国外供应商不适用) (#)其他。 #.#应答人须满足如下专用资格要求: ### 附件。 #.#除专用资格要求中明确接受联合体应答的项目外,不接受联合体应答。 #.#如接受联合体应答的,应答人还应遵守以下规定: (#)联合体各方均应满足#.#款和#.#款的规定。 (#)联合体各方应按照采购文件提供的格式签订联合体协议书,明确联合体牵头人和各方的权利义务。 (#)联合体牵头人代表联合体各方负责获取本项目的采购文件及应答工作。 (#)由同一专业的单位组成的联合体,按照资质等级较低的单位确定资质等级;不同专业分工由不同单位分别承担的,按照各自的专业资质确定联合体的资质。 (#)联合体各方不得再以自己名义单独或参加其他联合体在同一标包中应答。 #.#除专用资格要求中明确接受代理商应答的项目外,不接受代理商应答。 #.#本次采购不接受应答 ### 办理应答事宜。 #. ### 标包应答。 #.采购文件的获取 #.#采购文件(电子文件)免费获取。 #.#凡有意参加应答者,请于####年#月##日##: ## -####年#月##日##: ## (北京时间) 本项目报名采取电子邮件方式报名。凡领取谈判采购文件的供应商,请凭下列有效证件领取谈判采购文件: #) ### 在地登记证明材料(复印件盖章),应答人无印章的, ### 在地登记证明材料, #) ### htc.com. ### 报项目名称及联系方式。报名合格后将电子版采购文件发送至应答人邮箱。 #.#未按上述时间和方式获取采购文件的, ### 后续的应答及报价。 #.首次应答文件的提交 #.#首次应答文件提交的截止时间(首次应答截止时间):####年#月##日##:##时。 应答文件提交时间:所有应答文件应当在首次应答截止时间递交(提交)采购人。 应答文件提交地点:应答人将应答文件电子版在首次应答截止时间之前加密提交至采购代理机构指定邮箱: ### htc.com.cn。 应答截止时间之前未成功提交至采购代理机构指定邮箱的电子应答文件,采购人不予受理。不接受邮寄方式提交应答文件及应答文件的修改文件;不接受未按规定加密的应答文件及应答文件的修改文件。电子应答文件中应包含可编辑及不可编辑两种电子文档格式文件。 #.#至应答截止时间后##分钟内应答人将解密密码发送至采购代理机构邮箱。采购代理机构在监督人员监督下,解压文件。 应答截止时间前采购代理机构将通过电子邮件告知各应答人“Microsoft?Teams”会议室号码, ### 谈判 #. ### 规定的时间和方式获取采购文件的应答,采购人将不予受理。采购人不接受纸质应答文件。 #.发布公告的媒介 ### 新一代电子商务平台( ### )上发布。 #.采购文件获取联系方式 采购人: ### 地址: ### 滨河大道##号 邮编:###### 采购代理机构: ### 地址: ### 区东四十条甲##号南新仓商务大厦B座### 邮编:###### 联系人电话:刘通、冯鸿飞、陈洁、刘戈###-########、 ########### 电子邮件: ### htc.com.cn #.合规声明 本采购文件( ### 分) ### 法律法规规定, ### 修订, ### 的法律法规规定为准, ### ### ( ### )。 #.权利声明 ### 任何形式的转载( ### 分或全文转载、修改后转载)或任何未经书面授权的使用。 ### ### 不全面、不准确、不客观地分析或使用,任何单位或个人违法或违反本条规定转载、使用本采购文件或公示信息的,采购人将依法追究法律责任。 ####年#月##日 采购公告附件 采购公告附件(此表为样例,实际操作时可为一张表或多张表) 序号 分标编号 分标名称 包号 网省采购申请号 物料名称 采购范围 专用资格要求 工期/服务期 实施地点 备注 # TH####-GZBW-GJ##-# ### 服务 包# / ### 服务 / 拥有有效期内的SCL三级证书 业绩要求:####年#月#日起至投标应答截止日,具有同类项目服务业绩 签订合同后,##个月 德国 阿联酋 荷兰 中国 / Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute Co., Ltd. #### Overseas Project BorWin# Project regulatory compliance and conformity process Service Procurement Project for Public Negotiation Procurement Notice Procurement No.:TH####-GZBW-GJ## #. Procurement Condition The project owner is Global Energy InterconnectionResearch Institute Co., Ltd. or its affiliated organizations (hereinafter referred to as “the Owner”) and the corresponding construction fund is ###% enterprise’s self-owned fund. The Tenderee is Global Energy InterconnectionResearch Institute Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Tenderee”) and Tianheng Tendering Co., Ltd. is biddingagency (hereinafter referred to as “the Bidding Agency”). Since the Project has satisfied procurement requirements, the procurement of publiccompetitive negotiation is hereby implemented for the Project. This project actively responds to the Guiding Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Carrying out quality Improvement Actions, advocates potential respondents to lead the improvement of service quality with advanced standards, effectively address outstanding quality problems, and promote the formation of a high-quality and affordable procurement mechanism.(Not applicablefor foreign Bidder) General introduction and Procurement scopeSee appendix of the Procurement Notice. #. Qualification Requirements for the Bidder #.# The Bidder shall meet the following general requirement: (#) This procurement requires the Bidderto be a legal person or other organization lawfully registered in the People"s Republic of China(expect for foreign Bidder), and must have the qualifications to undertake the project answered; And in terms of personnel, equipment, funds, etc., we have the ability to ensure the timely completion of procurement projects; The Bidder needs to provide business license or local registration evidentiary materials (seal of copy). If the Bidder has no seal, it shall provide local registration evidentiary materials with organization leader’s signature.. (#) The legal representative or the person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units that have a holding and management relationship, and may not participate in the same tender package response or the same procurement project response that has not divided the tender package. (#) Obtain valid licenses as stipulated by national laws, regulations and rules. Obtain the compulsory national certificate of recognition required by the procurement documents.(Not applicablefor foreign Bidder) (#) The Bidder shallhave a good financial position and business credit. (#) According to the provisions of the "State Grid Company Limited Supplier Relationship Management Measures", the Bidder has led to the suspension of its transaction qualification or cancellation of the transaction qualification of the bad behavior and within the processing period, the respondent in the first response deadline to the date of arrival of the transaction notice, Any day in the "State Grid Co., Ltd. on the treatment of bad behavior of suppliers Notification" processing period shall apply to the bad behavior treatment results. Or the Bidderhas triggered the "State Grid Company Limited Supplier Relationship Management Measures" ## major safety and quality issues "circuit breaker" situation, its response will be rejected. Even if the respondent does not exist in the above circumstances on the response deadline, but before the arrival of the transaction notice, the purchaser has the right to cancel its transaction qualification.(Not applicablefor foreign Bidder) (#) According to the Notice on Joint Punishment of persons subject to enforcement for breach of Trust in Bidding Activities jointly issued by nine departments, including the Supreme People"s Court, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the National Railway Administration (Law [####] No. ###), the Biddershall not be listed as the person subject to enforcement for breach of trust by the people"s Court. Bidders shall not have any illegal dishonesty, and shall not be included in the list of serious dishonesty subjects on the website of Credit China (www.creditchina.gov.cn). Even if the respondent does not appear to be included in the list of persons subject to enforcement of dishonesty or serious dishonesty on the day of bid opening, but before the arrival of the transaction notice, if the above circumstances exist, the purchaser has the right to cancel its transaction qualification.(Not applicablefor foreign Bidder) (#) The Bidder shall not be listed by the market supervision and management authority in the national enterprise credit information publicity system on the list of serious illegal and dishonest enterprises or listed in the abnormal business directory information. The Bidder shall also provide in the business documents the query results of the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System (www.gsxt.gov.cn), including "business license information", "listed in the list of seriously illegal and dishonest enterprises (blacklist)", "listed in the abnormal business directory information", "administrative penalty information" and "liquidation information". If the Bidder does not provide the enterprise credit information publicity report, or the report provided does not conform to the format and content stipulated in the procurement documents, or the report content is found to be opposed by the review committee, The respondents" "Information on Abnormal Operation List" and "Information on the List of Seriously illegal and dishonest Enterprises (Blacklist)" shall be subject to the results queried by the Review Committee on the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System (www.gsxt.gov.cn). If the Bidder does not provide or the enterprise credit information publicity report provided does not conform to the format and content stipulated in the procurement documents, the review committee will make an adverse evaluation of the respondent. If the Bidder provides a false enterprise credit information publicity report, it shall be vetoed in accordance with the false response, and shall be dealt with accordingly according to the "Measures for Supplier Relationship Management of National Household Appliance Network Co., LTD.". Even if the Bidder is not included in the abnormal list of operations or the list of serious illegal and dishonest enterprises by the market supervision and management authority on the day of the opening of the bid, but before the arrival of the transaction notice, if the above circumstances exist, the purchaser has the right to cancel its transaction qualification.(Not applicablefor foreign Bidder) (#) Others. #.# The Bidder shall meet the following specific requirement: See attachment of the Procurement Notice. #.#Consortium bidding is not accepted for the Project, except if the specific requirement accepts it. #.#If the Consortium is accepted, the Biddershall also comply with the following provisions: (#) Each parties of the Consortium shall meet the requirement of #.# and #.#. (#) The parties to the consortium shall sign the Consortium Agreement in accordance with the format provided in the procurement documents, specifying the rights and obligations of the consortium leader and the parties. (#) The consortium leader is responsible for obtaining the procurement documents and responding to the project on behalf of the consortium parties. (#) A consortium composed of units of the same profession shall determine the qualification level according to the unit with the lower qualification level; Where the division of labor of different specialties is undertaken by different units, the qualifications of the consortium shall be determined according to their respective professional qualifications. (#) The parties to the consortium may no longer respond in the same tender in their own name or by participating in other consortium. (Not applicable) #.# Agent response is not accepted except for items specifically accepted in the special qualification requirements. #.# It is not acceptable for the Bidderto entrust an intermediary or intermediary to prepare the response documents or handle the response on behalf of the Bidderin this procurement. #.# Each Biddermay respond to part or all of the tender package for this purchase. #. Obtaining of Tendering Documents #.# The Tendering Documents (electronic version) can be obtained for free. #.# Those who wish to participate in the responder, please in March ##th##: ## to March ##th##: ## (Beijing time,), The way of obtaining the Tendering Documents: registered by E-mail. The Bidder who want to get the Tendering Documents should provide the following valid documents: #)The Bidder shall provide business license or local registration evidentiary materials (seal of company). If the Bidder has no seal, it shall provide local registration evidentiary materials with organization leader’s signature. #)Please email the above information to the Bidding Agency’s email ### htc.com.cn and note project name and contract information. The Bidding Agency will send the electronic Tendering Documents to the Bidder’s email. #.# Whoever fails to obtain the Tendering Documents as per above time and mode shall not participate in subsequent bidding and quotation. #. Submission of Initial Bidding Documents #.# Bidding deadline: :March ##th ######: ##Submission deadline of the Bidding Documents is the same with bidding deadline. Time of submission of response documents: All response documents shall be submitted (submitted) to the Purchaser within the first response deadline. The place of submission of the response document: The Bidder, before the initial bidding deadline, should encrypt and submitelectronic bidding documents to the Bidding Agency’s designated email ### htc.com.cn. The Tenderee will reject electronic bidding document that isn’t successfully submitted to the Bidding Agency’s designated email before bidding deadline. The Tenderee will reject bidding documents submitted by mail and their modified document and bidding documents not encrypted as per provisions and their modified document. Electronic bidding documents should include editable and non-editable electronic versions. #.#The Bidder should send deciphering password to the Bidding Agency’s email after bidding deadline. The Bidding Agency shall decompress documents at the witness of the supervision personnel. Before bidding deadline, the procurement agency (hereinafter referred to as “the Bidding Agency”) will notify all bidders of “Microsoft?Teams” meeting room No. through email and the Bidder receiving the notice shall attend the meeting for negotiation.#.#The Tenderee doesn’t accept any paper bidding documents. #.# If the purchaser fails to obtain the response to the procurement documents at the time and in the manner specified in the procurement announcement, it will not be accepted. The purchaser does not accept paper response documents. Medium for NoticeThe bidding announcement shall be published in ECP system ( ### ). Contact information for obtaining the Tendering DocumentsName of the Tenderee: Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute Co., Ltd The Tenderee’s address: No. ##, Binhe Avenue, Future Science City, Changping District, Beijing Postcode:###### Bidding agency: Tianheng Tendering Co., Ltd. Add.: Room ###, Block B, Nanxincang Commercial Building, No. ##A, Dongsishitiao, Dongcheng District, Beijing Project contact person: Liu Tong, Feng Hongfei, Chen Jie, Liu Ge and Yang Yang Tel.: ###-########、 ########### Email: ### htc.com.cn #. Compliance Statement The Tendering Documents conform to existing national laws and regulations. If the State has promulgated any new laws and regulations or revised existing laws and regulations, such new or revised version shall apply.The administrative supervision department of this project is the Safety and Quality Department (Materials Department) of China Institute of Electrical Science and Technology. #. RightStatement Any form of reprinting (including but not limited to partial or full reprinting, reprinting after modification) or any use without written authorization of this procurement document or publicity information is prohibited. Any unit or individual shall not conduct incomplete, inaccurate, and objective analysis or use of the content of the procurement announcement or publicity information, any unit or individual in violation of the law or in violation of the provisions of this article to reprint, make use of this procurement document or publicity information, the purchaser will be investigated for legal responsibility. March ##th#### ProcurementNotice Attachment Purchase NoticeAttachment (This table is an example, it can be one or multiple tables in actual operation) No. Sub Bid Number Sub Bid Name Package Number Province Procurement Application Number Name Procurement Scope Special Qualification Requirements Duration/Service Period Service location Comment # TH####-GZBW-GJ##-# Consulting Services BorWin#Project Consulting Services for project regulatory compliance and conformity process / Consulting Services BorWin#Project Consulting Services for project regulatory compliance and conformity process, detail see Technical Specifications have SCL level # certificate Performance requirements: From January #, #### to the bid response deadline, with similar project service performance ## months after signing the contract The United Arab Emirates Germany Netherlands China /